We all want to make more money. The higher the amount, the better for us. Everybody has some things that they desire to get. We also have a long list of places we would like to go to and activities we'd love to do. The only limitation that we have is the money to do this. More money gives us the buying power to pay for all these things. Here is how you can legally make an extra $1000 per week, online and offline.
How to Make $1000 Per Week Online
Thanks to the Internet, you can work and make some money from the comfort of your home. You can also do the same at the office. Here are ways to make this amount per week online.
Use Social Media
Social media is a very interesting platform where people congregate, communicate and even share ideas. There are literally millions of people on social media every day. Why not convert them into customers? You can set up social media pages for businesses that are around you. After that, simply charge them a fee for setting up the page and maintaining them. If you charge 20 businesses $50 per week to maintain their pages, you will be making a total of $1000 per week.
Write Articles on a Freelance Basis
There are various types of articles that are in demand for a good amount of money. These can cover a wide range of topics. Some of the topics are about academics, leisure, sport, history or even biographies. If you are creative and a good writer, you can take up the job of writing these articles and get paid for it. If you can write 100 articles in a week and get paid $10 for each one, you can make a total of $1000 per week.
Provide Online Consultation Services
Are you very good at something? Then you can consult people on how to do what you're already good at and they will pay you for your knowledge. You can simply create a website and begin to post interesting material with an invite on your subject. After that, promote it on your social media accounts. After this, visitors to the website can contact you and you can consult them further on the subject. You can charge $4000 per month per client and you will be making $1000 a week.
Code Programs and Fix Bugs
Many business processes today are conducted exclusively or in part by computer programs. Just like any other industrial part, these programs require fixing. You can learn how to code and then build these programs. Alternatively, you can examine the ones that are already in existence and fix up any problems that they could be having.
How to Make $1000 Per Week Offline
The world is a big wide place where you can conduct various types of businesses. You can search and find some needs that are not fulfilled or have very few providers. Once you do, simply get into them and begin a business there. Here are ways to make $1000 per week offline.
Become a Contract Salesperson
Are you good at convincing people to do what you want? If so, you can be a very good salesperson. You can create a business where you sell a specific number of units per week for a commission. Then you can find a market for these items and sell them whenever you can. A good strategy is to sell items that are needed on a recurrent basis. In this way, your clients will call upon you to renew their stock and give you recurrent business. By selling as many units as possible, your commission can net you $1000 or more per week.
Manage Vending Machines
Everybody loves a snack every few hours. If you can provide people with snacks at their offices, schools and playgrounds, you can make a tidy sum for yourself. Simply buy vending machines and stock them with tantalizing treats. After that, place them in secure, strategic locations. Once you do this, brand them, maintain them and collect your earnings. Re-investing in these machines will keep your business growing.
Deal in Promotional Wraps
Companies want as many people to know about their products as fast as possible. You can help them do this for a commission by printing out wraps with their brand or promotional message on them. After that, the companies will pay you a specific amount per week to promote them on one wrap. The trick is to make as many different types of wraps and place them on strategic points where everyone will see them. Examples of strategic locations are on cars, buses, bus stops and even the wheel frames of bicycles. Get 20 companies to pay you $50 per week and you will hit your target of $1000.
The Important Take Away
There are many ways in which you can make an income today. Some of them are online and others are offline. Each one requires patience, dedication, knowledge, skill and enthusiasm. Do you want to make $1000 a week? The ideas indicated above will get you closer to this goal.