There are many types of sports and races in the world. One of the most interesting sports is the Obstacle Course Racing (OCR). Competitors in this type of race run or jog along a predetermined path where they overcome challenges that are designed as obstacles. Examples of the challenges on the course include mud, barbed wire, trails, pools, hurdles, ladders and pipes. Obstacle course races are designed such that they test one’s mental and physical capability. Read on to learn about the 15 toughest and craziest obstacle course races and challenges ever.
The Tough Mudder
This is known to be the toughest race in the world. It has over 25 unique obstacles and costs between $95 and 200 to enter. It is also 10 miles long. The Tough Mudder is so challenging that participants are encouraged to have team mates to encourage them along the way. One of the obstacles included is the Arctic Enema which is a dumpster full of ice water that you must get in and out of. Another is the Electroshock Therapy which is a field full of hanging live wires with up to 10,000 volts of electricity. In addition to that, there is an obstacle named the Funky Monkey. In this one, you have to climb up some monkey bars which are covered in butter and mud. More about this race can be found in their website This obstacle race is not for the faint hearted.
The Spartan Race
This race is described by ESPN as one which will truly test your will power. The race varies in length from 1 mile to a complete marathon. The obstacles in it are inspired by drills from the Navy Seals, American Gladiators and ancient Spartan training. They include fire, water and barbed wire. Beginners can start with the Spartan Sprint, reach the intermediate level with the Super Spartan and finish up with the Spartan Beast. Finishing all these levels in one year qualifies you for admission into the Spartan Trifecta Tribe. Discover more about the Spartan Race at
The Civilian Military Combine
Fans and participants describe this race as the one which levels the playing field among athletes. The Civilian Military Combine (CMC) will test your endurance, agility and strength all at the same time. There are two main parts in this race. These are the Pit and the main course. Overall, there are more than 20 obstacles and costs between $85 and 160 to enter. More about this race can be found at
The GORUCK challenge
This is described as a team effort and not an individual’s race. This obstacle course race can last between 4 hours and 4 days. Moreover, it is supervised by cadres in the Special Operations group. They teach participants how to form groups and rely on each other. You begin as a group of random strangers and build bonds throughout the race until you finish up as a close knit team. It costs between $60 and $450 to enter. In addition to that, there are more than 7 obstacles in it. The GORUCK builds your tenacity and teaches you how to form teams. You can discover more about it by navigating to
The Rugged Maniac obstacle course
The Navy Seals are well known for their strength and tenacity. You can now experience how it feels to be one of them in this obstacle course. Not only will you find tons of mud, you will have to navigate barbed wire, hill climbs, rope climbs, ice water pools and so much more. You can register and discover more about this race by navigating to
Run for Your Lives obstacle challenge
The name says it all. This is an obstacle course which is very unique. It is 5 kilometers long and is full of challenging obstacles to deal with. The most interesting feature of this race is that you are constantly being chased by zombies which try to stop you throughout the race. Not only does it give you great fitness and boost your endurance, the Run for Your Lives obstacle challenge gives you a superb adrenaline rush. Register or discover more about it at their website.
Race the Reaper obstacle course
In this race, you get to experience and overcome 18 obstacles straight from hell for 5 miles. This obstacle course was jointly designed by engineers from the civil service and the military. It is intimidating, challenging and tests your fitness like nothing else.
The Men’s Health Survival of the Fittest obstacle race
This is an extreme obstacle course which was conceptualized and built by the Men’s Health Magazine. It is based in the United Kingdom. However, you can choose from four different locations in this race. You can learn so much more about it from their website.
The Jungle Ultra challenge
This is an obstacle course race which is performed in the jungles of Peru. Participants in this race run for a total of 142.6 miles through the humid, wet Peruvian jungle. The race is divided into 5 individual stages. Runners have no assistance from the race organizers and must be able to perform self rescue. It is mentally and physically exhausting.
Alaska Mountain Wilderness challenge
This is an obstacle course challenge that began in 1982. Every year, around 15 people take this challenge and try to cross the Alaskan mountains. The course is over 100 miles long. In addition to that, they are not allowed to use any GPS devices and there is no route to follow. All participants in this race must be able to perform self-rescue. In addition to that, they must all carry a SAT phone. To take the Alaska Mountain Wilderness challenge, you need to already have experience in taking endurance courses and challenges.
La Ruta de los Conquistadores
Held in Costa Rica, this is an endurance challenge that takes participants from active volcanoes to peaks located in high altitude areas. They cover a total of 4 different stages braving poison dart frogs, mud that is as deep as one’s knees and rugged terrain. The course lasts for 161 miles and participants seek to follow the path followed by a group of Spanish conquistadores in the 16th century.
The Race across America
This is a long distance biking challenge that covers a whopping 3,000 miles across the USA. The Race across America begins in Oceanside, California and ends in Annapolis, Maryland. Participants must have tremendous endurance so as to complete the race. In addition to that, the bikers cover a total of 170,000 miles of terrain and spend 22 long hours every day on their bicycles so as to complete the race. You can learn more about it by visiting their website
The Self-Transcendence 3100 mile race
This race has now been performed for 18 years. Located in Queens, New York, the participants must complete 5,649 laps around one city block in 52 days. This is a total distance of 3,100 miles. The overall race course is quite short and monotonous. This puts tremendous physical and mental pressure on the racers themselves. According to its website, the racers must deal with boredom and fatigue to complete it successfully.
The swamp dash and bash obstacle race
If you are a beginner in the field of obstacle races, this is the one for you. It will have you sloshing through swamps, mud and other yucky obstacles to get your adrenaline pumping and your feet very wet.
The Warrior Dash (Out of Business Now)
If you are interested in trying out obstacle racing, this is the one to begin with. It is a mud run that is 5 kilometers long. It costs between $65 and $95 to enter and compete. The warrior dash has 10 obstacles which will test your physical and mental ability. However, you can skip an obstacle if you find it too hard and will still get awarded a medal for finishing. Unfortunately, if you do this then you are disqualified from being an award recipient. The Warrior Dash will cover you from head to toe in mud and still be a lot of fun.
The Important Take Away
There are many obstacle races and challenges in the world. These ones are the most demanding. They push participants to their mental and physical limits. Therefore, one needs to prepare themselves adequately before beginning the races. If you want to test your strength and will, these are the races to participate in.