
Every new year is characterized by the creation of new year's resolutions. The new year is upon us and it is time to make some new year's resolutions. You can choose to adopt resolutions that instill positive habits and get rid of negative ones. According to Aristotle, you can make a big difference in your life by fostering new and positive changes. Resolutions are perfect for this. Here are 10 new year's resolutions to become the greatest version of you.

Engage in some exercise

This is one of the resolutions that can definitely bring you immense benefits and make you better. When you exercise, you are able to develop a mind and body that is healthy. It also leads to self confidence. By making a new year's resolution to exercise, you will create a self-image that is positive due to having a healthier body. Interestingly, you can make a major physical transformation with less than two weeks of daily exercising. Therefore, as you make your new year's resolutions, make sure to include regular exercises. It can do wonders for you.

Suggested Reading : 15 Key Elements of a Healthier and Happier Lifestyle

Read fiction stories and novels

Interestingly, reading stories has a positive impact on our brains. Researchers in the field of neurology have discovered that reading causes the creation of more neural networks and connections in the brain. Moreover, it improves activity in the brain and results in higher intelligence. This effect is actually long lasting. The researchers found the positive effects of reading to be present in the test subjects up to a week after completing the book. Accordingly, you should make a resolution to read more fiction novels in the new year. It will have lasting positive results for you.

Watch less television

Television is one of the most common means of entertainment and information dissemination. However, television has some negative influences. These include impacting your perspective of life in an inaccurate way, creating an idea of consumerism in your mind as well as making you oversimplify your life. A combination of all these makes our lives stressful and end up giving us a lower satisfaction in life. Television is also quite addictive. hence, it can lead to bad habits such as overeating and antisocial behavior. Change your life and make a resolution to watch much less television in this new year.

Take a walk in nature

Nature is healthy and refreshing for us. The air among the trees is fresh and the atmosphere is refreshing. Unfortunately, we spend so much time indoors either in our houses or in offices. Thus, we rarely get a chance to enjoy the outdoors. This leads to stress, exhaustion and possibly even disease. To avoid all these, you should make a new year's resolution to spend more time in the outdoors. You can do this by committing to take a walk in the outdoors everyday. Overtime, this will result in better health and a relaxed mind.

Suggested Reading : Want to Be Happy and Healthy, Walk Only 20 Minutes Per Day


For thousands of years, people have engaged in meditation. This practice involves eliminating all thought and remaining in a peaceful and serene mental state. There are hundreds of benefits of meditation. These are documented to even cure diseases and conditions such as depression. You can make a new year's resolution to meditate and experience a healthier, more peaceful version of you. 

Be more generous

To receive more, give more. This old adage remains true even as we enter the new year. Giving actually results in a good feeling. Generosity results in stress reduction and happiness. This is especially so if it boosts some connections on a social level. To enjoy this feeling and be of benefit to the society, you can find a cause and then donate to it. Make this your new year's resolution and it will definitely improve your self-image and result in self-improvement.

Invest more in experiences than material things

One of the ways to boost the happiness in you life is to have joyous experiences. This is according to studies that have been conducted by the Society for Personality and Social Psychology. Experiences are things that you can share with people and have collective fun. They also lead to lasting memories of happiness. In addition to that, they have much more intrinsic value than material items. Thereupon, you can make a new year's resolution to invest more in experiences than material possessions. This allows you to grow and become more capable of bonding and seeking intrinsic value in your investments.

Suggested Reading : The 7 Life Areas Where You Need to Invest Time and Money

Spend some time with an elderly person

Senior citizens are the golden individuals in our society. They have age and this comes with experience. They can teach us a lot more than we can learn on our own. In the new year you should create a resolution to spend some time with the elderly. They can be your relative or simply your friend. Not only will you brighten their day, you will also learn a few important things that can assist you as you navigate your very own journey of life.

Spend some time volunteering

Volunteer work is immensely gratifying. This is dedicating some of your time to help out at charitable locations. There are some places where you can volunteer. Examples of these are the zoo, animal shelters, charity shops or even a homeless shelter. Volunteering at these locations allows you to help out the staff who work there. In addition to that, you are able to bond with the individuals who normally head there for assistance. Make volunteering one of your resolutions and watch how you will be able to become a best version of you this year.

Suggested Reading : 9 Simple Habits That Will Make You a Better Person

Mentor someone

We all have some skills that we have mastered. There is something that you can do better than anyone you know. You can actually mentor someone else in this skill and help them to improve their life by using it. This can be a trade, an art or a scientific skill. You could make a new year's resolution to become a mentor for someone and transform their life in a positive way. Not only will this make you even better at your skill, it can effectively improve your interpersonal skills and improve your character too. 

The Important Take

You can actively improve your quality of life by choosing to make the right new year's resolutions. Not only are they guidelines for the new year, they can transform you in a positive way. Borrow a leaf from the resolutions above and become a better version of you this year and beyond.